is MY heartbeat. 

"What A Way To Spend A Day!"
"Santa Fe Morning" (13" x 10 1/2') oil
"Slobaboi I" (25 1/2 " x 33 1/2") oil
"Slobaboi II" 22" x 28" watercolor
"Sequence Stands Below" (12" x 36") oil;
"Arizona Attraction #1"--watercolor [Example Only--SOLD}]
Award WATERCOLOR USA and "Best of Watercolor: Painting Texture"
(27 1/2 " x 36") oil
"Jazz Sentinels: A Spiritual Juxtaposition"
Colorful Brushes would like to offer our
commission opportunities for those with an innovative persuasion.
THANK YOU for your TOUR. Spread the
word if you liked what you saw!
Catherine A. Mahoney
"Hermann Pastoral" watercolor
2004 Award, First Place "Top 50", Award of Merit", Texas,
Watercolor Society and Winston Churchill Painting Award,
Missouri Watercolor Society.
"Daniel Boone View" (8" x 10") oil
2004 Award Winner "Journeys "
Click2"A Natural Dynamic" (12" x 48") oil on canvas
Cli "A Natural Dynamic II" (12" x 36" ) oil on canvas
"Taos Stovepipes" (8" x 10") oil on board